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Benefit of installing Django from .deb versus .tar.gz?

I'm starting Django development, and I can either install it from the .deb using

$ apt-get install python-django

on my Ubuntu machine, or I can download the .tar.gz from djangoproject.com, and start with that.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach?

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slacy Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 07:12


1 Answers

Using apt-get lets your system keep track of the install (e.g. if you want to disinstall, upgrade, or the like, late). Installing from source (.tar.gz or otherwise) puts you in charge of what's what and where -- you can have multiple versions installed at various locations, etc, but there's no easy "uninstall" and the like. Personally I prefer to install by my OS's supported method (apt-get and the like) for packages I think as secondary or auxiliary, directly from svn/hg/&c for ones I'm contributing to or otherwise want to keep the closest control on, and .tar.gz (or better when available .tar.bz2;-) "snapshots" and "source releases" that are s/where in the middle...

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Alex Martelli Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 21:12

Alex Martelli