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Equivalent of apt-get on OpenELEC

I'm currently working on a raspberry pi, which has OpenELEC as operating system. Unfortunately, apt-get can't be used on this distribution. I have a lot of things to install, and it would be way too long to do it without apt-get.

So my question is : Do you know any equivalent command of apt-get that can be used on OpenELEC, or a way to use apt-get on this OS?

Eventually, which OS would you advice me so I don't encounter this problem anymore?

Thanks in advance.

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souki Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 04:10


1 Answers


Unlike other XBMC distributions, OpenELEC isn't based on Ubuntu, Debian or Arch - in fact, it's not based on any distribution. Instead, OpenELEC has been built from scratch specifically to act as a media center. This means it can be streamlined to certain hardware and only needs to include the packages absolutely required, making OpenELEC as streamlined as possible. In addition, OpenELEC is designed to be managed as an appliance - it can automatically update itself, is managed almost entirely from within XBMC and boots in seconds. You never need to see a management console or have Linux knowledge to use it.

So the answer is: you can not use apt-get or similar.

You can change OS and use the official OS Raspbian, or if you need a media center you can use OSMC

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grausof Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
