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New posts in apt-get

Docker Image installing php modules

LLVM and Clang installation: apt-get vs. manual install

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Chef isn't running the apt (apt-get update) recipe. Apt returns 100

Sorry, user "user" is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get update' as root on

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Linux "Perf" tool cannot run inside docker images?

apt-get behind proxy. Special characters in username and password

linux ubuntu-10.04 apt-get

Docker build freezes installing packages from apt

build docker apt-get

sudo: apt-get: command not found

shell command sudo apt-get

starting with GTK+ on Ubuntu [closed]

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How to install current OpenPYXL package on Ubuntu

Install a specific nodejs version with apt-get

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Running apt-get update on docker ubuntu image on Mac causes "File has unexpected size"

How do I remove and purge all packages installed by apt-get?

debian apt-get

ImportError: No module named zbar on Linux Mint

python debian apt-get zbar

I can't run apt-get commands. apt --fix-broken install doesn't work. The following packages have unmet dependencies libc6-dbg and libc6-dev

vagrant supressing non-zero exit staus for shell provisioner

shell vagrant apt-get

How to install ffmpeg for ubuntu using command line?

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what is the difference between update and upgrade? [closed]

upgrade apt-get

How to install pip for Python 2

python ubuntu pip apt-get

How to correctly install wkhtmltopdf on debian 64 bit?