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New posts in package-managers

NPM install hangs on loadRequestedDeps

Why can't I use SwiftPM as a dependency using Swift Package Manager?

swift package-managers

Using conanfile.txt and conanfile.py in the same directory

Which elm package versions are installed?

elm package-managers

How can I install a tweepy package via pip?

python pip package-managers

Why should I use ember install over NPM or yarn?

Brand new Mac, should I use Macports?

Install CKeditor using Bower

How to override npm peerinvalid

package.json (javascript npm) or requirements.txt (python pip) equivalent for ruby

ruby npm pip package-managers

"Already has a reference to Essential.Diagnostics"

In emacs who is setting Info-directory-list when including packages?

How to link only to some of the libraries in Conan package?

getting started with SBT for lift

How does one search for Haskell modules (not packages)?

haskell package-managers

Jam vs Bower, what's the difference?

Homebrew is generating two warnings

How make bower build the package?