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New posts in package-managers

How do I run the tests that are part of an installed/installing Cabal package?

Is it possible to design Stack (Haskell) just like NPM (NodeJS)?

Parse error: there is a issue while parsing the package in marshmallow

android package-managers

Why do pythonics prefer pip over their OS's package managers? [closed]

python pip package-managers

How to find (Debian/Ubuntu/...) packages that provide required Perl modules

How to enable deltarpm for dnf package manager in fedora 22?

Global webpack install vs. project specific webpack install

How to add Alamofire in swift project by swift package manager [closed]

ios swift package-managers

What is the recommended way for packaging a C++ daemon on Mac OSX?

How to should I setup my CI (jenkins) for deb packages?

Does easy_install provide search command?

How to update GDB to most current, stable version

Get a list of all installed packages in Go

go package-managers

How do i use package control to install packages in sublime text?

pip says modules "weren't found" to uninstall, but pip list shows them

Is it me or yarn?