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New posts in canopy

OLS Breusch Pagan test in Python

python statistics canopy pysal

Installing a package to Canopy

Python Debugging Using Pdb

python debugging canopy ipdb

Can't upgrade matplotlib in Ubuntu 12.04 with Canopy installed

Jetbrains PyCharm with Enthought Canopy

pycharm enthought canopy

Enthought Canopy Mayavi font size bug

Display of "Canopy" on command line

Python line_profiler installation

pip says modules "weren't found" to uninstall, but pip list shows them

Installing Torch7. iPython installation error (mac)

macos lua ipython canopy torch

Deleting variable does not erase its memory from RAM memory

python python-2.7 canopy

How to create multiple histograms on separate graphs with matplotlib?

Python file open() in Enthought Canopy fails with: "IOError No such file or directory"

dateutil 2.5.0 is the minimum required version

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cbook'

Pickling a DataFrame

python pandas pickle canopy

Upgrade version of scikit-learn included in Enthought Canopy distribution

How can I send a byte array to a serial port using Python?

python pyserial spyder canopy

How should I pass a matplotlib object through a function; as Axis, Axes or Figure?