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How should I pass a matplotlib object through a function; as Axis, Axes or Figure?

Sorry in advance if this is a little long winded but if I cut it down too much the problem is lost. I am trying to make a module on top of pandas and matplotlib which will give me the ability to make profile plots and profile matrices analogous to scatter_matrix. I am pretty sure my problem comes down to what object I need to return from Profile() so that I can handle Axes manipulation in Profile_Matrix(). Then the question is what to return form Profile_Matrix() so I can edit subplots.

My module (ProfileModule.py) borrows a lot from https://github.com/pydata/pandas/blob/master/pandas/tools/plotting.py and looks like:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def Profile(x,y,nbins,xmin,xmax):
    df = DataFrame({'x' : x , 'y' : y})

    binedges = xmin + ((xmax-xmin)/nbins) * np.arange(nbins+1)
    df['bin'] = np.digitize(df['x'],binedges)

    bincenters = xmin + ((xmax-xmin)/nbins)*np.arange(nbins) + ((xmax-xmin)/(2*nbins))
    ProfileFrame = DataFrame({'bincenters' : bincenters, 'N' : df['bin'].value_counts(sort=False)},index=range(1,nbins+1))

    bins = ProfileFrame.index.values
    for bin in bins:
        ProfileFrame.ix[bin,'ymean'] = df.ix[df['bin']==bin,'y'].mean()
        ProfileFrame.ix[bin,'yStandDev'] = df.ix[df['bin']==bin,'y'].std()
        ProfileFrame.ix[bin,'yMeanError'] = ProfileFrame.ix[bin,'yStandDev'] / np.sqrt(ProfileFrame.ix[bin,'N'])

    fig = plt.figure(); 
    ax = ProfilePlot.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plt.errorbar(ProfileFrame['bincenters'], ProfileFrame['ymean'], yerr=ProfileFrame['yMeanError'], xerr=(xmax-xmin)/(2*nbins), fmt=None)

    return ax
    #or should I "return fig"

def Profile_Matrix(frame):

    import pandas.core.common as com
    import pandas.tools.plotting as plots
    from pandas.compat import lrange
    from matplotlib.artist import setp


    df = frame._get_numeric_data()
    n = df.columns.size

    fig, axes = plots._subplots(nrows=n, ncols=n, squeeze=False)

    # no gaps between subplots
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)

    mask = com.notnull(df)

    boundaries_list = []
    for a in df.columns:
        values = df[a].values[mask[a].values]
        rmin_, rmax_ = np.min(values), np.max(values)
        rdelta_ext = (rmax_ - rmin_) * range_padding / 2.
        boundaries_list.append((rmin_ - rdelta_ext, rmax_+ rdelta_ext))

    for i, a in zip(lrange(n), df.columns):
        for j, b in zip(lrange(n), df.columns):
            ax = axes[i, j]
            common = (mask[a] & mask[b]).values
            nbins = 100
            (xmin,xmax) = boundaries_list[i]



            plots._label_axis(ax, kind='x', label=b, position='bottom', rotate=True)
            plots._label_axis(ax, kind='y', label=a, position='left')

            if j!= 0:
            if i != n-1:

    for ax in axes.flat:
        setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8)
        setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8)

    return axes

This will run with something like:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import ProfileModule as pm

x = np.random.uniform(0, 100, size=1000)
y = x *x  +  50*x*np.random.randn(1000)
z = x *y  +  50*y*np.random.randn(1000)

nbins = 25
xmax = 100
xmin = 0

ProfilePlot = pm.Profile(x,y,nbins,xmin,xmax)
plt.title("Look this works!")

#This does not work as expected
frame = DataFrame({'z' : z,'x' : x , 'y' : y})
ProfileMatrix = pm.Profile_Matrix(frame)

This would hopefully produce a simple profile plot and a 3x3 profile matrix but it does not. I have tried various different methods to get this to work but I imagine it is not worth explaining them all.

I should mention I am using Enthought Canopy Express on Windows 7. Sorry for the long post and thanks again for any help with the code. This is my first week using Python.

like image 268
Keith Avatar asked May 19 '14 13:05


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Axis is the axis of the plot, the thing that gets ticks and tick labels. The axes is the area your plot appears in.

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A Figure object is the outermost container for a matplotlib graphic, which can contain multiple Axes objects. One source of confusion is the name: an Axes actually translates into what we think of as an individual plot or graph (rather than the plural of “axis,” as we might expect).

What is axes object in matplotlib?

Axes object is the region of the image with the data space. A given figure can contain many Axes, but a given Axes object can only be in one Figure. The Axes contains two (or three in the case of 3D) Axis objects. The Axes class and its member functions are the primary entry point to working with the OO interface.

1 Answers

You should pass around Axes objects and break your functions up to operate on a single axes at a time. You are close, but just change

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def _profile(ax, x, y):
    ln, = ax.plot(x, y)
    # return the Artist created
    return ln

def profile_matrix(n, m):
    fig, ax_array = plt.subplots(n, m, sharex=True, sharey=True)
    for ax in np.ravel(ax_array):
        _profile(ax, np.arange(50), np.random.rand(50))

profile_matrix(3, 3)

enter image description here

like image 70
tacaswell Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
