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Why should I use ember install over NPM or yarn?

I'm new to ember and I discover the command ember install pkg and I'm wondering why such package instead of using external package manager such as yarn or npm which are industry-wide/de-facto standard.


Why should I use ember install over NPM or yarn?

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Édouard Lopez Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 21:12

Édouard Lopez

2 Answers

ember install addon-name is a short hand for npm install --save-dev addon-name && ember g addon-name

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Ember Freak Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 03:12

Ember Freak

The documentation provides the answer for this one (ctrl + f ember install):

Installs the given addon into your project and saves it to the package.json file. If provided, the command will run the addon’s default blueprint.

The release notes for version 0.1.5 provide a clue for this as well:

#2805 Added the install:addon command, which installs an addon with NPM and then runs the included generator of the same name if it provides one.

So, ember install is just a replacement for npm in most cases but when a blueprint is provided it will run those as well.

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Rick van Lieshout Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 03:12

Rick van Lieshout