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New posts in osgi

Designing a Java OSGi application using RabbitMQ while using PreparedStatement

java jdbc osgi rabbitmq

Best Practice in an OSGi UI application

OSGi errors when running jackrabbit 2.11 in Karaf 2.4 / Felix 4.x

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How to AOP aspectj in OSGi with Apache Felix

Apache POI 3.17 in OSGi

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How to embed external jars dependency in OSGI bundles?

maven osgi apache-felix

Where should I put shared testing utilities in a multi-module Maven project?

java maven-2 osgi package

Is there a Maven build for eclipselink that makes the OSGi bundles run in Felix and others?

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How to deploy OSGi bundle to Maven repo with deploy:deploy-file?

maven osgi bundle nexus

Equinox and OSGI bundles

eclipse osgi equinox bundles

OSGi in Distributed Infrastructures

osgi distributed dosgi

How do I start a specific bundle in my own OSGi application deployed in WAS 8.0?

OSGi implementation for .NET

.net plugins osgi

Deploy war files in Apache Felix?

Spring Jdbc declarative transaction management within karaf

How to cluster and load balance a Spring + OSGi app

How to use separate class loaders and run in same JVM? (OSGI)

java jvm osgi classloader

Camel in OSGi Container: Apply InterceptStrategy to all camel contexts

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not find bundle: org.eclipse.equinox.console

java eclipse-plugin osgi