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How to AOP aspectj in OSGi with Apache Felix

I'm currently working on an OSGi project. Without many experiences in AOP combined with OSGi, I would like to know how to best do AOP in an OSGi environment? We have implemented the AOP scenario to create a console that intercept the call to a bundle in order to store the elapsed time for each task started by this bundle. Today, this aspect has been deployed on a jboss container using the LoadTimeWeaver provided by aspectj (adding an agent to the jboss start script in order to instrument the jars in the container -javaagent:%APP_HOME%\application\lib\aspectjweaver-1.6.11.jar). I've read some articles about this problem, but did not find a solution that suits well for me. There is, for example, an Equinox Incubator project for AspectJ. But since I'm using Apache Felix and Bnd(tools) I want to avoid using something from Equinox. One requirement for the weaving process will be that it should be at load-time as well (a bundle for aspectj that instrument the method inside another bundle). Someone can share experiences with such a use case using AOP aspectj with OSGI Felix ?

like image 732
freedomind Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 13:11


1 Answers

Here is a working example of minimal felix aspectj setup

The basic pattern is:

  1. register weaving hook on activation

    public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
       public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
           AspectWeaver weaver = new AspectWeaver();
           servList.add(context.registerService(WeavingHook.class, weaver, null));
  2. inject weaving definition context:

    public class AspectContext extends DefaultWeavingContext {
        public List<Definition> getDefinitions(final ClassLoader loader, final WeavingAdaptor adaptor) {
            if (definitionList == null) {
                definitionList = AspectSupport.definitionList(loader, rootConfig);
            return definitionList;
  3. provide weaving hook implementation

    public class AspectWeaver implements WeavingHook {
      public void weave(WovenClass woven) {
          String name = woven.getClassName();
          BundleWiring wiring = woven.getBundleWiring();
          ClassLoaderWeavingAdaptor adaptor = ensureAdaptor(wiring);
          final byte[] source = woven.getBytes();
          final byte[] target;
          // aspectj is single-threaded
          synchronized (adaptor) {
              target = adaptor.weaveClass(name, source);
like image 60
Andrei Pozolotin Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 03:12

Andrei Pozolotin