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New posts in optimization

Loop fusion in C++ (how to help the compiler?)

Scheduling algorithm, finding all non overlapping intervals of set length

Sending large images time to the GPU

How can I create on-demand reports once they become too slow for our DB?

-O3 in ICC messes up intrinsics, fine with -O1 or -O2 or with corresponding manual assembly

Split single DStream into multiple Hive tables

Fitting a local level Poisson (State Space Model)

C++ Statement Reordering

Evaluating sizeof causes improvement in performance C

Algorithm for determining a file’s identity (Optimisation)

c# optimization identity

How to interpret iostat?

Best Practice for Transitioning From Nested State to Nested State (see diagram)

Local Variables take 7x longer to access than global variables?

Fastest way to insert, if not exist, then get id in MySQL

Jquery speed, using .html(string) is really really slow, how can I speed this up?

Tuple aggregate construction which infers types and elides move/copy constructor calls?

How to optimize a web based application against latency due to multiple asynchronous requests in background?

Linq query that automatically excludes duplicates (one-liner)

udf vs direct sql performance

Optimizing vectorized code for graph adjacency