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New posts in optimization

Most smallest lossless image format and/or library?

Optimizing Application Architecture and Implementation for Google App Engine

How do I use Drools Planner?

base64_encode and serialize php function params

php optimization moodle

What is the performance gap between Matlab fmincons and C++'s NLP solver like ipopt?

Query optimization and API throttling

C#: How do sequential function calls work? (efficiency-wise)

c# optimization stack

How to fix my numberOfDigits function

Looking for a quick way to speed up my code

Ruby lacks constant expressions optimization?

SQL Optimising a spatial index for localised geography points

Picasso "Resize and centerCrop" or ImageView "centerCrop"?

Efficiently read file from URL into byte[] in Java

Discrete optimization for a function on a matrix

g++ enables wrong flags at -Os

c++ gcc optimization

Revalidate opcache only after git push

Conversion to branchless of consecutive if statements

Represent antichains with efficient join and meet operations

Why is ifstream::read much faster than using iterators?

Find the maximum number of purple cars possible in the given sequence of N cars.(See description) [closed]