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New posts in optimization

How would a multithreaded program be more energy efficient?

When code optimization happens?

Usage of _mm_shuffle_epi8 intrinsic

The most efficient way to reverse a number

Why aren't bitwise operators as smart as logical "and\or" operators

Proficient way to check if 3 variables are all unique

algorithm perl optimization

Why is std::string_view faster than const char*?

Does the 'in' clause used on python dictionaries call the keys() function every time?

How to check (non-trivial) equivalence of lists of numbers, fast?

Thread safety of the plus operator for Strings, optimizations included

Does the compiler optimize references to constant variables?

C - how would compiler optimization affect a for loop with no body?

Optimizing string replace in python

python string optimization

String.lastIndexOf() is there a difference between a char and a string with a single character?

Fast formula for a "high contrast" curve

optimization math formula

An efficient collect function in Common Lisp

How can I improve this square root method?

Code Optimization with Scala

optimization scala

counter_cache has_many_through sql optimisation, reduce number of sql queries

Why don't compilers generate microinstructions rather than assembly code?