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New posts in optimization

Optimizing indices for ranking in SQL Server

Should I truncate my ints to shorts before computing bitwise ops on them?

Code optimisation: Arrays vs collections

Optimize Windows Form Load Time

Under what conditions does ROWNUM=1 significantly increase performance in an "exists" syle query

sql oracle optimization plsql

User Defined Functions in Excel and Speed Issues

Why is squid good for REST architectures?

R optimization: How can I avoid a for loop in this situation?

Is there a cost to "const"?

Should I disable HyperThreading to run parallel simulations?

Concise way to remove elements from list by index in Python

python optimization

Why does GCC produce stack preservation instructions when they're not necessary?

c optimization gcc

Linq optimisation within a foreach

c# linq optimization foreach

Do C++ compilers eliminate assignment duplications?

How can two alternating characters be output efficiently or without a loop?

c++ optimization char output

Efficient finding primitive roots modulo n using Python?

Apache Webserver security and optimization tips

Optimizing an embedded SELECT query in mySQL

database optimization mysql

Programmatic control of python optimization?

how to use -assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log in my app