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New posts in opengl

How to compare pose and position of two objects from rotation and translation matrix?

OpenGL: is it legal to attach a shader to a program that is in a valid linked state?


Write gl_FragDepth while still executing depth pre-test

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No OpenGL context is current in the current thread

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Using emscripten with opengl shaders

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OpenGL with C++: vtable troubles when passing class array to glTexImage2d

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Should I cache OpenGL state such as currently bound buffers, or does OpenGL do that anyway?

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Qt MainWindow with QOpenGLWIdget in Retina display displays wrong size

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Why must I "use" a shader program before I can set its uniforms?

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Draw a triangle with OpenGL

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Initializing OpenGL without libraries

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How does a clamp function in glsl and opencl work? does it use create branches? and should I avoid using it?

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Is there an efficient way to exceed GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS?

Having an issue with "gladLoadGL". I'm getting an error saying it does not take 1 argument

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Are array textures related to sampler arrays?

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glutPassiveMotionFunc and glutWarpMousePointer

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how to use glCopyImage2D

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Can one use OpenGL in the Kernel?

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How to render with isometric perspective? [duplicate]

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OpenGL- Simple 2D clipping/occlusion method?

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