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Can one use OpenGL in the Kernel?

Can I use OpenGL in the Linux Kernel? That is, I'd like to improve the performance of some code, so using the GPU would be benefit for another driver. It's certain the GPU would be fixed on the machine for which this kernel would be build.

Sorry if I sound naive, I am just trying to get the general picture for the moment.


like image 598
Albus Dumbledore Avatar asked Feb 02 '23 21:02

Albus Dumbledore

1 Answers

OpenGL is for displaying 3D on screen, I really don't know in which way you want to use it in the kernel.

If you meant using the computational power of the GPU for some calculations, I think it would be feasible in some parts of the kernel, but I doubt it is worth the pain.

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krtek Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 15:02
