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New posts in nuget

Is there an easy way to automatically create a NuGet package from a Visual Studio 2015 project?

globalPackagesFolder repositoryPath difference


Add-Migration showing error EntityFrameworkCore.Design is not installed

nuget packages in local work

.net visual-studio nuget

How to specify targetFramework for PackageReference in .csproj file?

How to pack command line tools with NuGet?

c# nuget package tooling

NuGet: Necessary to reference implicit dependencies?

NuGet 3.3+: contentFiles not added to project


Shared NuGet Package Across Multiple Projects and Solutions

Can't install SSH.NET on Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate

How to add moq as a dependency in dotnet Core?

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Can't restore NuGet Packages

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What is the equivalent of "npm install" in NuGet?

nuget npm

How can I properly integrate a git push with nuget?

github nuget

Nuget doesn't restore all packages

NuGet Server With Caching

Where is the nuget cache located for the LOCAL SYSTEM account?

Manage Nuget Packages crashes VS2017

How to install local NuGet package (.nupkg) from Visual Studio Community for Mac?

nuget visual-studio-mac

Dependencies in Nuspec vs. csproj

.net-core nuget csproj nuspec