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New posts in nuget

Should self-created NuGet Packages be placed in version control?

version-control nuget

Determine the NuGet package for a specific namespace

c# asp.net nuget

How to automatically update nuget package dependency?

Why does NuGet put packages at the "solution level"?

nuget nuget-package

JSON.NET Serializer for WCF REST Services

Loading a NuGet assembly in T4 Template

nuget .net-assembly t4

How can I specify different dependencies for different versions of the .NET framework in a custom NuGet package?

c# .net nuget

Can't install any NuGet Package if at least one Source is not available

Restoring nuget packages of a solution in .net Rider IDE: Failed to download package `x` The HTTP request to GET `x` has timedout after 100000ms

c# nuget .net-core rider

NuGet Push throws PackageExistsAsDeletedException

'dotnet nuget push ...' doesn't seem to be pushing the symbols

.net nuget package push symbols

Downloading a Nuget package is giving the error "Package contains an entry which is unsafe for extraction" why?

c# visual-studio nuget

Nuget: Migrating multiple large Solutions to PackageReference

Publishing and Consuming GitHub Package Repository with NuGet: Unable to load the service index error

github nuget

Creating NuGet package: NU5128 exception - not clear on how to fix

Powershell Editing Xml causing Visual Studio to report Inconsistent Line Ending

How to install version of json.net compatible with .net 4.0?

.net json.net nuget

NuGet Package Restore in Jenkins Build using SVN

Visual Studio 2013/15 Nuget Errors on Console - "The module to process 'nuget.psm1', listed in field 'ModuleToProcess' of module manifest..."

How to use nuget with fsharp on Linux

linux f# mono nuget