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New posts in nuget

nuget.exe install not updating packages.config (or .csproj)?

c# mono nuget

How to install NuGet-packages without internet connection?

NuGet Package not copying XMLDoc file along with dll to bin

Package dependancy resolution in NuGet and naming conflicts


Is there an easy way to switch from local project references to nuget packages?

.net nuget package-managers

How do I change target filename in NuGet Package?

msbuild nuget nuget-package

Manually add a nupkg file to TeamCity Feed?

NuGet - Given a type name or a DLL, how can I find the NuGet package?

asp.net visual-studio nuget

Adding GitHub project as reference in Visual Studio Solution

visual-studio github nuget

Automatically create list of nuget packages and licenses

visual-studio nuget

How to update dependencies not referenced directly as PackageReference via NuGet?

visual-studio nuget

Packages are missing after a successful dotnet publish

asp.net-core nuget publish

Nuget command fails in docker file but not when run manually

Private intranet-level Nuget feed: Windows Integrated Security customization

Auto update the nuspec file during the build process

Packages.config vs Dependency section in .nuspec file

msbuild nuget

How to change script or style files location from nuget?

Is there an official nuget package for Angular 2?

How to create nuget package with msbuild without rebuilding project?

.net msbuild nuget

Is it safe/feasible to migrate to "new project system" (PackageReference) for .NET framework solutions containing ASP.NET projects?

c# asp.net .net nuget csproj