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NuGet Package not copying XMLDoc file along with dll to bin

I'm using NuGet GUI and trying to include XML File along with my DLL to distribute help along with the DLL.

When I install package in any of the project, it adds the DLL reference successfully, but XML file is not generated inside bin folder of the project in which package is added.

XML file is available within packages\\lib\.XML

NuGet Package Builder GUI

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Amit Andharia Avatar asked Oct 02 '13 12:10

Amit Andharia

Video Answer

2 Answers

On your side of things:

Check this post:

How do you include Xml Docs for a class library in a NuGet package?

On the developer's side of things:

The creator of the NuGet package decides some of this.


Find : Automatically Running PowerShell Scripts During Package Installation and Removal

So I think the developer of the Nuget package would have to write the voo-doo.

Or you'll have to manually include it yourself.

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granadaCoder Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09


Both the .dll and the .xml file should be copied to your project's output folder when the project is compiled.

NuGet will not copy the .xml file, nor the .dll, in your bin folder when you install the package. If you want to do this then you will have to use PowerShell. I do not believe you need to do this since MSBuild will do this anyway at compile time.

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Matt Ward Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Matt Ward