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globalPackagesFolder repositoryPath difference



According to globalPackagesFolder NuGet Documentation, it allows you to change the location of the default global packages folder instead of Users{username}.nuget\packages. So, I figure out it's where packages are stored.

By other hand, repositoryPath NuGet Documentation, it allows you to install the NuGet packages in the specified folder.

I don't understand what this documentation is treating to say.

Could anybody exaplin me which's each one for?

like image 460
Jordi Avatar asked Oct 07 '16 10:10


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2 Answers

The globalPackagesFolder is a global cache of NuGet packages. This is where NuGet downloads NuGet packages to as a machine cache. NuGet may clean out the cache when too many packages are stored here.

The repositoryPath is the packages directory a solution will use, when using a packages.config file. It is usually a path relative to the solution. It can however be a global folder on your machine but typically it would not be the same as NuGet's global machine cache.

like image 126
Matt Ward Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09

Matt Ward

As it stands today, it seems the two settings do the same, but globalPackagesFolder has to be used for projects using PackageReference, repositoryPath is for projects using packages.config.

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tm1 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
