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Unable to restore nuget packages in Visual Studio for Mac & dotnet core with slow (Bolivian) internet

How Can I Tell NuGet What MSBuild Executable to Use?

msbuild nuget

Your project file doesn't list 'win10' as a "RuntimeIdentifier"... error when running Xamarin UWP project

Nuget: How do I recreate my package directory using packages.config

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Visual Studio 2013 wont run as administrator

How to ignore reference to jetbrains.annotations.dll in NodaTime nuget package xml documentation file

Trying to get a PowerShell script to run a nuget.exe command

powershell nuget

nuget creating two package folders?

.nuget folder why solutions have it?

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How to install protobuf-net on Visual Studio 2012 using NuGet?

JSON.NET Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 Compact Framework

NU1108 error while installing DotLiquid with .Net Core

Publish NuGet Packages from TeamCity to Azure DevOps Artifacts

azure-devops nuget teamcity

Installing multiple packages via Nuget by single command

Error Installing NuGet 1.8


How to install MVVMLight through nuget

Is it possible to tell NuGet where to store packages for a solution?

visual-studio nuget

Push to Nexus 3 NuGet-repository from Jenkins CI without being asked for credentials

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ASP.Net Core - Where to find the Nuget packages installed list in the project

NuGet execution policy errors when installing MvcScaffolding package