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New posts in nuget

Nuget Pack command, in Visual Studio 2017

Cant install HtmlAgilityPack on VS2012

C++ boost nuget cannot open file Visual Studio 2015

Defaulting Package Management to PackageReference

Where is the NuGet reference stored?

c# nuget

multi-platform native libraries in C# nuspec

Visual studio 2019 auto removed nuget packages after debug

How do I publish NuGet packages to GitHub Package Registry using dotnet on Mac?

How to solve the "System.Tuple defined multiple times issue"?

How to automate NuGet package creation using Jenkins?

Update all packages except one

nuget nuget-package

Why isn't this .NET Core package compatible with my PCL?

This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer.

visual-studio-2015 nuget

Azure DevOps, restore NuGet packages for "Visual Studio Build" when using a website.sln file

Semantic Versioning and Dependency Changes

Google Test Main Without declare a main

nuget command line - how to get version of latest version of package?


Nuget package push 403 error on visual studio

Which NuGet package contains System.Web.Routing?

asp.net nuget

Publish: Could not find a part of the path … \obj\DEV\AspnetCompileMerge\Source\bin\roslyn\csc.exe'