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New posts in nuget

Manage NuGet Packages For Solution - where is it?

Is there any difference between packages Rx-WPF and Rx-Xaml?

wpf nuget system.reactive

NuGet; unable to get package as wrong version reported in Visual Studio 2012

visual-studio-2012 nuget

How do I uninstall *a* package from all projects in solution

c# visual-studio nuget

How do I integrate NuGet into my Bamboo Build Plan?

Cannot add MVVM Light libraries through NuGet

nuget mvvm-light

There is already an object named '__MigrationHistory' in the database

Missing reference on successful NuGet package installation

How to install Nuget package using windows command line in C# project?

Project specific Nuget.config with .net core/code

Visual Studio 2015 Initializing Part Nuget.PackageManagement.VisualStudio.VSolutionManager must be called on UI Thread

Could not Load Type from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

c# .net-core reference nuget

Prevent publishing to public NuGet gallery


How can I list all local packages in the NuGet v3 API

c# nuget