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New posts in nuget

Failed to add NuGet package

.net visual-studio nuget

VS2015 NuGet package manager not loading any online packages

Reducing dependencies for a .NET Standard class library?

nuget .net-standard

.NET Core 2.1 - dotnet/exe on build, packages are missing

c# .net asp.net-core nuget

Package Manager Console hangs on npm init

Adding .NET 5.0 target to my NuGet packages

Using the nupack Package Manager Console to set working folder to solution folder

powershell nuget

What are required assemblies for Entity Framework 4.1 and SQL Compact?

nuget uninstall packages vs SVN working copy

svn tortoisesvn nuget

How do I distribute an F# Type Provider via NuGet?

f# nuget type-providers

Use NuGet to add a project assembly reference to a file named *.Resources.dll


NuGet - How to configure package restore on MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio

DNU Restore gives lots of "HTTP request timed out"

mono nuget asp.net-core dnu

Nuget package sources not being saved

visual-studio-2012 nuget

File not found when creating a package

How can I use the nuget Package Manager outside Visual Studio to install/update a package from the commandline?

FxCopAnalyzers: An instance of analyzer cannot be created

visual-studio nuget fxcop

Execute an action after my nuget package is installed

How to use 'dotnet restore' with a feed that need to authenticate with?

.net nuget

NuGet restore stopped working inside Docker Container

c# .net docker nuget