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New posts in nuget

Could not load file or assembly Newtonsoft.Json when running app from the dotnet publish output folder

Nuget and Source Control Files to Exclude?

asp.net nuget nuget-package

Could not install package MvvmCross.PortableSupport 3.2.1 at Visual Studio 2013 for PCL Profile 158

Clearing out xdt element if it has no children

c# asp.net nuget xdt-transform

Forked a project but what is .pp?

c# git nuget

NuGet can't resolve a dependency when updating a local package with dependencies from online repositories using Visual Studio 2015 Update 1

visual-studio-2015 nuget

Transforming .csproj using nuget package

nuget nuget-package csproj

How do I include a text file alongside my class library in my NuGet package which Visual Studio 2017 is creating for me?

Can't reference an executable in the "tools" folder of a Nuget package from MSBuild

Cannot upgrade Ninject to latest version in Nuget

nuget ninject ninject.web

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel while trying to search for NuGet packages

visual-studio nuget

Building Dockerfile in ASP.NET Core project fails when running dotnet publish -c Release -o out

Getting test runner to work with Gallio from Nuget

TFS is not picking up DLLs installed through nuget

NuGet direct project references as versioned dependencies

NuGet Configuration File for Solution VS2015 (NuGet 3.4+)

After clone of web site project nuget restores packages but references are not found VS 2015

dotnet pack targeting multiple frameworks

.net nuget .net-core

MissingMethodException when referencing Microsoft.Build and System.IO.Compression

c# .net msbuild nuget clr

Compile-time only Nuget dependency (FxCop)