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Trying to build the C# wrappers for RDKit with build.bat from bp-kelley/rdkit-csharp

Use GitHub package registry as a PowerShell package repository

What security restrictions are placed on Powershell scripts run during a NuGet package install/init?

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The type initializer for 'Nuget.Proxy Cache' threw an exception

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Visual Studio 2013: Creating a new ASP.Net project WITHOUT nuget

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Developing and Debugging with Nuget libraries

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What do Package Statistics in Nuget.org mean?


nuget pack renames web.config to web.config.transform


How do I create a package that depends on a package that "targets projects"?

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NuGet keeps crashing Visual Studio 2013

How do I reference a UWP+NET46 portable library from a .NET 4.6 console application?

Add references from copied package.config

nuget update sets bindingRedirects for system.runtime that then fail at runtime

nuget visual-studio-2017

Install-Package & NuGet Package install location - where installed to?

Newtonsoft unable to load on Azure Function App 2.0

Data validation with mostly feature in List<T> using .NET Core C#

c# .net package nuget etl