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New posts in nuget

NuGet: remote server returned an Error(403) Forbidden

.net nuget nuget-package

Nuget error: Please provide credentials for: https://www.myget.org/F

nuget tfsbuild myget

Nuget cannot find newer dependency

Packaging a build-tools-only package


I can't use the System.Runtime 4.3.0 in a .net 4.7 project

c# visual-studio nuget

fsharp compilation fails under Mono with an NuGet error

f# mono nuget

Cannot find package from NuGet stream hosted in Artifactory

Nuget installed panel empty after VS 2017 update

Powershell Find-Package command doesn't work with nuget v3 package source

Azure Pipelines: "Error NETSDK1004: Assets file '...\project.assets.json' not found." in Pipeline when caching Nuget packages with Cache@2 task

Having a dependency on a specific nuget package


Is there a Nuget package to configure a WCF application for Unity IOC?

Documentation of nuget.config?


How to enable forward compatibility on a reusable .NET library?

What if someone submits a 'malware' nuget package?

How do I reference instead of copy js files from a Nuget package at build time in TeamCity?

Nuget 2.7 ignores repositorypath when restoring packages

nuget encodes the blank spaces in names of files

Nuget Package Manager not working in VS Express 2013

nuget visual-studio-2013

How to add a few lines of code to an existing file in my NuGet package?
