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New posts in chocolatey

Installing windows features with chocolatey and packages.config


How to disable explicit proxy on chocolatey?

proxy chocolatey

Can I install Chocolatey on other drive besides C drive?


Permission denied in chocolatey


How to change default chocolatey install directory using cmd only?

cmd chocolatey

Is there a way to disable autouninstaller from uninstaller file?


Error installing Sass (Ruby, MSYS2 20161025.0.0)

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How do I install Docker using Chocolatey?

docker chocolatey

How to pass properties to chocolatey version of psake

psake chocolatey

Choco install issue with chocolateyinstall.ps1 or nuspec file


Can I build Chocolatey packages on Linux?


Minikube on Windows and HyperV: Stuck on prompt "minikube login"

hyper-v minikube chocolatey

Mirror Chocolatey with Artifactory

artifactory chocolatey

How to import Chocolatey function, core and extension to PowerShell sessions?

Chocolately `Get-ExecutionPolicy` - Uncaught ReferenceError: Get is not defined

How do I create a package that depends on a package that "targets projects"?

c# nuget chocolatey

Diagnosing download timeout from chocolatey.org in a Windows Docker build

How to publish a .net core console application to a (private) nuget repository and install it with chocolatey?

nuget chocolatey

How do I remove a package installed via Chocolatey?

git-tfs chocolatey