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New posts in namespaces

How does extern work in namespaces?

What is the difference between a class library and a namespace?

namespaces class-library

Namespaces in Delphi

delphi namespaces

using XElement to query for a node in namespace

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Java: Can I use two different names in an enum to count as the same thing?

Import class conditionally with the keyword 'use'

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How can I add "namespace" to request in node soap

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typedef resolution across namespaces

c++ namespaces typedef

Using namespace in if / else statements

php namespaces

Error: the type or namespace UI doesnt exist in the namespace

How can one emulate the C++ namespace feature in a C code?

c++ c namespaces

c#: Why isn't this ambiguous enum reference resolved using the method signature?

c# enums namespaces

Global Import/using Aliasing in .NET

Share a JavaScript library's namespace or use your own?

including external library in Yii

php class namespaces yii

In C# are the `using` directives of the base class inherited by the child class?

Including C++ header file with namespace in C source file causes compilation error

Should I include header file within a namespace?

c++ namespaces

ASP.NET MVC 4 namespace issue in razor view

asp.net-mvc-4 namespaces

How to fix Error Type 'System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer' is not defined