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New posts in namespaces

Namespace information compromises the readability in C++

Why "using namespace std;" gives different result when dealing with doubles in C++?

c++ namespaces double std

When is anonymous namespace data initialized?

c++ namespaces

Naming types in a namespace by the .NET Framework Design Guidelines

Using a DLL in Visual Studio C++

WebForms and ASP.NET MVC co-existence

Naming classes like "com.facebook.FacebookClient" vs "com.facebook.Client"

How to judge whether a Constant has been defined within a module namespace, not a global one?

C++: Linking extern variables from within a namespace

How to solve two conflicting namespaces with the same name

c++ namespaces

Namespaces in vendor files (CakePHP2.x and PHP5.4.3)

"Kernel' does not exist in the namespace 'Sitecore'

Strange enum name clash

c++ gcc namespaces ffmpeg ogre

JAXB XML unmarshalling only sees the root element

understanding operator lookup; which compiler is correct?

In Vowpal Wabbit, what is the difference between a namespace and feature?

C++ nested namespaces error - expected type-specifier error

c++ namespaces

Restrict namespace pollution in C++ Header

c++ gcc namespaces

Why can null be written with a backslash?

php null namespaces constants

C++ what's the best way to make some functions inside source file private?