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New posts in monoids

non-lawful Monoid instances for building up AST not considered harmful?

Haskell: How to write a `Monoid` instance for something that depends on parameters

How can I express foldr in terms of foldMap for type-aligned sequences?

Why would my datatype need to an instance of Monoid to use this lens?

Why "and []" is True and "or []" is False

haskell monoids

How to use the maybe monoid and combine values with a custom operation, easily?

haskell monoids

How is "a monoid on applicative functors" different than "a monoid in the category of endofunctors"?

Write a Maximum Monoid using Maybe in Haskell

haskell monoids

Don't understand notation of morphisms in Monoid definition

Haskell: duplicated functions (+) and (++), mappend

What is the main difference between Free Monoid and Monoid?

Is there a standard abstraction for semirings or monoids in C++?

c++ math boost monoids

Scala PartialFunction can be Monoid?

Why does the Alternative typeclass need to be a sub-class of Control.Applicative

Why is there not 'Alternative' instance for 'Control.Applicative.Const'

Understanding Data.Functor.Constant constructor and applicative laws

What's the practical value of all those newtype wrappers in `Data.Monoid`?

haskell monoids

Monoids and Num in Haskell

haskell monoids

Examples of monoids/semigroups in programming

monoid vs monad in Scala