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New posts in monad-transformers

Tidying up Monads - turning application of a monad transformer into newtype monad

Monad transformers monad duplication

Applicative transformer classes

How to fork inside monad transformer

combining maybe and seq monads: confused at the output

Stacking ResourceT monad transformer

Working with the `MonadBaseControl` API

stacking StateT in scalaz

In a monad transformer, why is the known monad the inner one?

How to avoid stair-stepping with Monad Transformers in scala?

Underlying Parsec Monad

Manipulating the monad stack

How to inject the result of an IO action into a non-IO monadic computation

Is there a library or typeclass for getting the transformer version of a monad?

Why can't I stack two readers ontop of eachother?

Examples of Haskell Applicative Transformers

Defer actions in Haskell

Use StateT within Web.Scotty

What is the purpose of the IdentityT transformer?