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New posts in monad-transformers

The Maybe result from Map.lookup is not type checking with my Monad Transformer stack

A Stricter Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict

Non type-variable argument in the constraint: MonadError Failure m

exceptions and monad transformers

Is there a better way to implement a multi-channel Writer monad in Haskell?

Combine two monads when neither has a transformer?

Why is my code using monadic lists from the List package so slow?

Applicative instance for MaybeT m assumes Monad m

Jumping forward with the continuation monad

Writing a Monad Transformer, does it really need so many hardcoded instances

Odd results from monad transformer benchmark. A bug?

list monad transformer

How to understand `MonadUnliftIO`'s requirement of "no stateful monads"?

scalaz List[StateT].sequence - could not find implicit value for parameter n: scalaz.Applicative

Why is there no MonadMask instance for ExceptT?

How can I work in nested monads cleanly?

Why aren't monad transformers constrained to yield monads?

creating MonadBaseControl instance for newtype

Transition from ErrorT to ExceptT

Haskell Monad Transformer Stack and Type Signatures