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New posts in monad-transformers

Writing an assembler in Haskell - mapM with state?

State and IO Monads

Nested States in Haskell

Is it really a default practice to make every monad transformer an instance of MonadTrans?

What purpose does the complexity of `Except` serve in Haskell?

What is the idiomatic way to call pure functions within a MaybeT ( StateT ) monadT stack such that error propagates?

lift Either to ExceptT automatically

How to put mutable Vector into State Monad

How to chain Future[\/[A,B]] in scala?

How to implement the `List` monad transformer in Scala?

Anatomy of a monad transformer

Writer implemented with Operational Monad does not work lazily

How to use Scalaz 7's EitherT with liftM

Why don't you need to use 'lift' when interacting with a nested StateT monadT in this case?

Is there a standard name (and library implementation) for a Monad that hides computation behind a constructor?

Is access to the internal structure of a monad required for a monad transformer?

Tips for more elegant code with monads?

Mixing Monads in Haskell

how can I implement this monad transformer with a continuation?

When generalizing monad, performance drops nearly 50%