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New posts in memory-alignment

Is there cases where a 32-bit variable could not been properly-aligned

c++ memory-alignment

MinGW64 Is Incapable of 32 Byte Stack Alignment (Required for AVX on Windows x64), Easy Work Around or Switch Compilers?

How to store a vector to an unaligned location in memory with Altivec

EXC_BAD_ACCESS related to struct alignment?

C++ Specify Actual Size of Struct

reinterpret_cast and Structure Alignment

aligned_alloc function requirements

C++ aligned new[]

c++ c++17 memory-alignment

How are nested structures with different alignments laid out in memory?

Python ctypes align data structure

void* will have the same representation and memory alignment as a pointer to char

c pointers memory-alignment

What alignment is needed on 8-bit AVR?

avr memory-alignment abi

Does std::allocator handle over-aligned types in C++17?

Hint to compiler that it can use aligned memcpy

Win32 memory allocation with large alignment

Unaligned memory access: is it defined behavior or not? [duplicate]

Understanding stack alignment

Why is size_of::<MyStruct>() not equal to the sum of the sizes of its fields?

POD struct (members of same type): are members in contiguous memory locations?

c++ struct memory-alignment

GCC fails to optimize aligned std::array like C array