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multiple null terminated strings in single buffer in C

c string buffer packing

Bin Packing or Knapsack?

C/C++ packing signed char into int

c++ c byte signed packing

Why does a struct consisting of a char, short, and char (in that order), when compiled in C++ with 4-byte packing enabled, come to a 6-byte struct?

Packing 32bit floats into 30 bits (c++)

What's an elegant algorithm for fitting differently sized rectangles into a circle?

python algorithm packing

Reverse Rectangle Packing

Extreme point based-packing algorithm (3D)

Anybody have experience reading ISOBUS (ISO 11783-10) binary timelog files?

C++ Specify Actual Size of Struct

C++ packing a typedef enum

c++ c enums compilation packing

binary16 in Python

Packing Rectangles Algorithm

algorithm math packing

More interactive ZODB packing

plone zope packing zodb

fitting n variable height images into 3 (similar length) column layout

View how C structs are packed during build time

c struct embedded packing

Tuple declaration in Python

Packing rectangles for compact representation