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New posts in knapsack-problem

Knapsack algorithm optimized for weight instead of values

Knapsack C# implementation task

Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers

2 knapsacks with same capacity - Why can't we just find the max-value twice

Bin Packing or Knapsack?

Coin change with limited number of coins

Recursive backtracking

knapsack variation algorithm

Dynamic Programming Knapsack K-exact items

How to fill a knapsack table when using recursive dynamic programming

Calculate a rough estimate for shipping box size

C# 0-1 Knapsack Problem with known sum and number of zeros in set

Calculating items included in branch and bound knapsack

Pick m numbers from array of n numbers so their total differences are minimum

Knapsack but exact weight

Which is the best method between Genetic Algorithm and Dynamic Programming to solve classic 0-1 knapsack? [closed]

Dynamic programming sum

What kind of algorithm? (Knapsack, Bin Packing!?)

Solving a variation of 0/1 Knapsack (multiple source for items, each item can be selected from one of the sources)

0-1 Knapsack algorithm