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New posts in coin-change

Arithmetics in Prolog, represent a number using powers of 2

prolog coin-change

Coin change with limited number of coins

Thought process for arriving at dynamic programming solution of Coins change problem

Converting a recursion problem code from Python to Common Lisp

Dynamic Programming Coin Change Limited Coins

Given an elevator with max weight and n people with x_i weights, find out minimum number of rides needed

Algorithms to compute Frobenius Numbers of a set of positive integers

Number of ways to change coins in constant time?

Finding shortest combinations in array/sequence that equals sum

Recursive change-making algorithm

Recursive Algorithm Time Complexity: Coin Change

Coin change DP solution to keep track of coins

Refactoring a recursive function into iterative in a coin-change type of problem

Dynamic Programming Coin Change Problems

SICP making change

SICP example: Counting change, cannot understand

Why does the greedy coin change algorithm not work for some coin sets?

How to find all combinations of coins when given some dollar value [closed]