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SICP making change

So; I'm a hobbyist who's trying to work through SICP (it's free!) and there is an example procedure in the first chapter that is meant to count the possible ways to make change with american coins; (change-maker 100) => 292. It's implemented something like:

(define (change-maker amount)
  (define (coin-value n)
    (cond ((= n 1) 1)
          ((= n 2) 5)
          ((= n 3) 10)
          ((= n 4) 25)
          ((= n 5) 50)))

  (define (iter amount coin-type)
    (cond ((= amount 0) 1)
          ((or (= coin-type 0) (< amount 0)) 0)
          (else (+ (iter amount
                         (- coin-type 1))
                   (iter (- amount (coin-value coin-type))

  (iter amount 5))

Anyway; this is a tree-recursive procedure, and the author "leaves as a challenge" finding an iterative procedure to solve the same problem (ie fixed space). I have not had luck figuring this out or finding an answer after getting frustrated. I'm wondering if it's a brain fart on my part, or if the author's screwing with me.

like image 671
RyanD Avatar asked Sep 28 '09 01:09


1 Answers

Here is my version of the function, using dynamic programming. A vector of size n+1 is initialized to 0, except that the 0'th item is initially 1. Then for each possible coin (the outer do loop), each vector element (the inner do loop) starting from the k'th, where k is the value of the coin, is incremented by the value at the current index minus k.

(define (counts xs n)
  (let ((cs (make-vector (+ n 1) 0)))
    (vector-set! cs 0 1)
    (do ((xs xs (cdr xs)))
        ((null? xs) (vector-ref cs n))
      (do ((x (car xs) (+ x 1))) ((< n x))
        (vector-set! cs x (+ (vector-ref cs x)
          (vector-ref cs (- x (car xs)))))))))

> (counts '(1 5 10 25 50) 100)

You can run this program at http://ideone.com/EiOVY.

like image 144
user448810 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
