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Optimal order fulfillment

I have the following problem. A user has a cart with N items in it. There is a quantity Q of each item. Further, there are P warehouses, and each of them has a certain stock level for each product (which may be 0). Distances between each warehouse and customer are also known. I need to find a set of warehouses that can accommodate the orders and satisfies the following constraints (ordered by decreasing priority):

  1. It should contain a minimal number of warehouses
  2. All warehouses should be as close to customer as it possible.

Any ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks!


If one warehouse can't fulfill some line item completely, then it can be delivered by several different warehouses. E.g. we need 10 apples and we have 2 warehouses that have stock levels of 7 and 3. Then apples will be provided by these two warehouses (to provide 10 in total).

UPD 2 Number of available warehouses is nearly 15. So brute force won't help here.

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Volodymyr Rudyi Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 08:04

Volodymyr Rudyi

People also ask

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A good fill rate percentage is as close to 100% as possible. The average company's fill rate is between 85-95%, which means some products may be out of stock, or there was more demand than anticipated. Striving for a 97-99% fill rate should be among the goals of any warehousing team.

What does order fulfillment mean?

Order fulfillment is the critical task of assembling the order and shipping it off to the customer, plus the supporting processes that support those tasks.

2 Answers

I would recommend to go with David Eisenstat's solution. If you'd like to understand more about the topic or need to implement an algorithm for solving integer programs yourself, I can recommend the following reference:

Chapter 9 from an MIT lecture on Applied Mathematical Programming gives a nice introduction into integer programming. On the third page, you find the warehouse location problem as an example of a problem solvable by integer programming. Note that the problem described there is slightly more general than the problem you described in your question: For your case, warehouses can be assumed to be always open (yi = 1), and the fixed operating cost fi of a warehouse is always fi = 0 in your case.

The rest of this chapter goes into the details of integer programming and also highlights various approaches to solve integer programs.

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blubb Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10


This is solvable by integer programming.

Let items be indexed by i and warehouses be indexed by j. Let Qi be the quantity of item i in the cart and Sij be the quantity of item i at warehouse j and Dj be the distance from the customer to the warehouse j.

First find the minimum warehouse count k. Let binary variable xj be 1 if and only if warehouse j is involved in the order. k is the value of this program.

minimize sum over j of xj
subject to
for all i, (sum over j of min(Sij, Qi) * xj) >= Qi
for all j, xj in {0, 1}

Second find the closest warehouses. I'm going to assume that we want to minimize the sum of the distances.

minimize sum over j of Dj * xj
subject to
for all i, (sum over j of min(Sij, Qi) * xj) >= Qi
(sum over j of xj) <= k
for all j, xj in {0, 1}

There are many different libraries to solve integer programs, some free/open source. They typically accept programs in a format similar to but more restricted than the one I've presented here. You'll have to write some code yourself to expand the sums and universal quantifiers ("for all").

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David Eisenstat Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

David Eisenstat