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Algorithm for Least Edge Intersections

(Before anyone asks, it's not homework.)

Say you have 2 Arrays y0 and y1 where

y0 = [1,2,3,4,5,6] and y1 = [2,1,6,3,4,5]

Notice y0[0] = y1[1] = 1, it essentially means y0[0] is connected to y1[1]. Similarly, y0[2] = y1[3] = 3 so they are "connected" as well.

alt text(Image courtesy : belisarius)

Each element in one array has a corresponding entry in the second array. Imagine each element in the array as a vertex, and these connections as Edges being drawn from one array to the other.

I need to find a set of edges (of maximum size) such that none of the "edges" (or lines) will intersect.

In the above example, notice,

  1. Edge 1 and Edge 2 will intersect.
  2. Edge 6 will intersect with Edge 3, Edge 4, Edge 5.

Therefore, the solution can be be 1,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5 (size = 4) since none of those lines will intersect each other. There can be multiple solutions, but I need just one.

My Question, Is there any known CS Problem that resembles this? What algorithm should i be using?

I've tried to explain my problem with an example, however, incase it's still not clear i'll clarify any queries. Thanks in advance.

like image 748
st0le Avatar asked Jan 23 '11 04:01


1 Answers

Assuming that no element is repeated in a single array, this is simply longest increasing subsequence.

Without loss of generality, assume that the first array, A1, is just [1, 2, 3, ..., n]. This transformation can be done in O(n) with a hash-set, or O(nlogn) with a BST.

Note that our set has a crossing if and only if it contains i and j with i < j but j appearing before i in the second array A2 (we know since i < j that i appears before j in A1).

Then if a set has no crossing it clearly corresponds to an increasing subsequence of A2 and vice versa.

Longest increasing subsequence has a simple O(n^2) solution and a slightly more complex O(nlogn) solution.

like image 176
Chris Hopman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10

Chris Hopman