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New posts in allocator

Is std::vector<int, std::allocator<char> > valid?

c++ gcc vector allocator

std::allocator_traits defaults with allocator that has more than one template parameter

Adding an allocator to a C++ class template for shared memory object creation

c++ shared-memory allocator

How to avoid rebind in allocator<T, N> c++17

c++ allocator

Is there a reason why in C++20 std::vector operator == does not work for vectors with different allocators?

Allocators: how are the standard containers expected to work internally?

c++ stl containers allocator

What is the purpose of the static member functions in STL's allocator_traits?

c++ c++11 stl allocator

How to insert 100G integers into a vector on a 32-bit machine?

C++ Design Pattern for allocator type arguments

Custom allocator & default member

c++ allocator

construct a vector in range without copying

How can I pass the exact same state of an custom allocator to multiple containers?

c++ c++11 allocator stateful

Can a C++ allocator be final?

lock free arena allocator implementation - correct?

What is the difference between memory allocation through new and allocator

How to work with pointers into raw memory provided by custom allocators (without UB)?

Is there a C++ allocator that prevent an STL container from being swapped?

Visual C++11 stack allocator for std::list and std::map

Setting a custom allocator for strings

c++ string allocator