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New posts in allocator

Copy stateful allocator: standard library allocator semantics and internal memory

c++ stl allocator

std::promise with custom allocator appears to use global new

c++11 promise future allocator

std::scoped_allocator_adaptor and a class with a constructor using std::allocator_arg_t

c++ c++11 stl allocator

C++ STL-conforming Allocators

c++ stl allocator

How to create a C++ 11 non-default-constructible allocator?

c++ list c++11 allocator

Account memory usage with custom allocator

Logging allocator for std::containers?

Using boost::pool to manage the memory allocations in a std::vector

Does std::allocator handle over-aligned types in C++17?

Do map and set allocate 1 item at a time always?

c++ c++14 allocator

Memory mapped file storage in stl vector

Why does std::allocator<>::deallocate() have a size_type parameter which is not used?

c++ parameters allocator

Difference between allocator supplied as template parameter and allocator supplied as constructor argument in C++ containers?

minimize byte wasted to align data between 2 headers (custom allocator)

Is there a BOOST pool fixed-sized allocator?

Stack allocator for C++03 standard containers

c++ stl c++03 allocator

How to pass an std::vector with custom allocator to a function that expects one with std::allocator?

c++ vector boost allocator

Why do compilers allow an allocator of a different value type than the container used

c++ stl containers allocator

Memory leak when using OpenMP