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New posts in allocator

Linux Memory Usage in top when using std::vector versus std::list

An STL implementation that uses a dynamic/state based allocator?

c++ stl allocator

Are STL containers allowed to skip calling allocator::construct and allocator::destroy if the object is trivially constructible/destructible?

c++ allocator

Will a custom allocator improve performance if many vector<T> s get constructed and destroyed?

Allocating zero objects with std::allocator::allocate(0) in C++

Memory allocation of internal types used by the containers

c++ c++11 std allocator

Should C++ allocator::allocate throw or return nullptr when allocation fails?

c++ std allocator

How is allocator-aware container assignment implemented?

suggestions for improving an allocator algorithm implementation

c++ algorithm allocator

C++ default allocator - what should happen if the size doesn't equal the size passed to the invocation of allocate?

c++ std allocator

Why is there no vector(size_type n, const Allocator& alloc) in C++11?

c++ vector c++11 allocator

Why isn't std::string::max_size() == std::string::allocator::max_size()

c++ stdstring allocator

Does the default allocator zeroize int?

c++ stl allocator

switching to another different custom allocator -> propagate to member fields

c++ class memory c++14 allocator

C++ allocators, specifically passing constructor arguments to objects allocated with boost::interprocess::cached_adaptive_pool

C++0x allocators

Is libstdc++ support for std::unordered_map incomplete?

How do forward_list,set,list etc call std::allocator?

c++ stl allocator

Hinnant's stack allocator with boost rtrees: compilation failure

C++: Can't propagate polymorphic_allocator with scoped_allocator_adaptor

c++ boost c++17 allocator c++pmr