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New posts in maybe

Graph of a partial function in Haskell: a -> Maybe b -> [a] -> [(a, b)]

Maybe monad in Python with method chaining

Merging/Appending Justs in Haskell

Extracting the first Just value from [Maybe a]

haskell monads maybe

Monad transformers monad duplication

Converting List (Maybe a) to Maybe (List a) in Elm

algorithm list elm maybe

How do I concisely write a || b where a and b are Optional values?

What's the idiomatic way to handle multiple `Option<T>` in Rust?

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Why do Maybe/Optional types use a Just/Some type instead of the actual type?

haskell types ml idris maybe

Right way to forcibly convert Maybe a to a in Elm, failing clearly for Nothings

elm maybe option-type

What should a Traversable instance look like for a Tree datatype with a nested Maybe value?

haskell tree maybe traversable

Why does "return Nothing" return Nothing?

haskell monads maybe

How to filter a Maybe value

Function like catMaybes, but counting Nothing values

list haskell maybe option-type

The Maybe result from Map.lookup is not type checking with my Monad Transformer stack

Haskell maps returning a monad

haskell map monads maybe

Haskell beginner

haskell maybe

Swift Optionals (or Haskell's Maybe) in Python?

difference between isNothing and (== Nothing) in Haskell?

haskell maybe option-type

How to filter out "Nothing" values from Elm Array?

elm maybe option-type