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New posts in maven-3

Non-resolvable parent POM using Maven 3.0.3 and relativePath notation

maven-3 pom.xml

How does maven sort version numbers?

maven maven-3

jar file gets corrupted while building with maven

java maven-plugin maven-3

Maven archetype plugin doesn't let .resources in archetype-resources through

Maven 3 - How to add annotation processor dependency?

How can I prevent previously deployed artifacts from being overwritten?

maven maven-3 artifactory

Excluding Maven dependencies

maven maven-3

Is there a library for reading maven2/3 pom xml files?

java maven-2 maven-3

Maven dependencyManagement version ignored in transitive dependencies

maven maven-3

What is the difference between artifactId and groupId in pom.xml?

How can I include test classes into Maven jar and execute them?

How do I download a Maven artifact at the command line without using dependency:get or maven-download-plugin?

maven maven-plugin maven-3

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

Setting up the path for Maven 3.0.4, win7


Developing Maven 3.0 Plugin

maven-plugin maven-3

Maven Settings for multiple repositories

Maven 3 Artifact problem

Maven plugin in Eclipse - Settings.xml file is missing

Maven 3.3.1 Config Error in IntelliJ Idea 14

Specify common resources in a multi-module maven project