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How does maven sort version numbers?




Maven seems to have the ability to indicate a range of versions such as <version>[1.2.3,)</version> how does maven figure out what is a newer or older version when there is no consistent versioning scheme that all open source packages follow. For example

  • junit 4.10
  • slf4j 1.7.2
  • Hibernate 4.1.7.Final
  • Spring 3.1.2.RELEASE

How does maven figure what is an older vs. newer version of a package in maven? What if package uses letters as versions numbers something along the lines of A,B,C or A2,A2,A4 ... etc.

Is there supposed to be a standard official way to version packages in maven? Are common open source packages like spring and hibernate ignoring this versioning convention?

like image 454
ams Avatar asked Oct 22 '12 02:10


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RC means Release Candidate.

What is Maven version ID?

1 Version Numbers in Maven Coordinates. The version number of the artifact defined in the POM file is the same as the version number of the released product, for example 12.1. 2.0.

How does Maven repository work?

Maven local repository keeps your project's all dependencies (library jars, plugin jars etc.). When you run a Maven build, then Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository. It helps to avoid references to dependencies stored on remote machine every time a project is build.

What is version and updates in Maven repository?

It tells you whether there's an updated version of a particular dependency available and if so what the latest version is. If there's a check mark it means the library in question already uses the latest version of dependency X.

1 Answers

Since version 3.0, Maven uses a consistent system to compare version numbers for both individual versions and version ranges. The system now makes a lot of sense, once you've understood a few gotchas.

All comparisons are now done by ComparableVersion, which says:

  • mixing of '-' (dash) and '.' (dot) separators,
  • transition between characters and digits also constitutes a separator: 1.0alpha1 => [1, 0, alpha, 1]
  • unlimited number of version components,
  • version components in the text can be digits or strings,
  • strings are checked for well-known qualifiers and the qualifier ordering is used for version ordering. Well-known qualifiers (case insensitive) are:
    • alpha or a
    • beta or b
    • milestone or m
    • rc or cr
    • snapshot
    • (the empty string) or ga or final
    • sp
  • Unknown qualifiers are considered after known qualifiers, with lexical order (always case insensitive),
  • a dash usually precedes a qualifier, and is always less important than something preceded with a dot.

This means that versions come out in the following order, which I think makes perfect sense, apart from 1.0-SNAPSHOT right in the middle:

  • 1.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT
  • 1.0-beta1
  • 1.0-beta2-SNAPSHOT
  • 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT
  • 1.0-rc1
  • 1.0-SNAPSHOT
  • 1.0
  • 1.0-sp
  • 1.0-whatever
  • 1.0.1

The main gotcha I found in all this is that snapshot comes after beta or rc, so you can't have a development version of 1.0-SNAPSHOT, then release 1.0-beta1 or 1.0-rc1 and have Maven understand that those are later.

Also note that 1.0-beta-1 is exactly the same as 1.0beta1, and 1.0 is exactly the same as 1 or 1.0.0.

Version ranges now work (nearly) the way you'd expect, too. For example, [1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT,1.0] will find 1.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT, 1.0-beta1, 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT, 1.0-rc1, 1.0-SNAPSHOT or 1.0, preferring later items over earlier ones. This is fully supported by mvn versions:resolve, M2Eclipse and so on.

like image 173
Jelaby Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10
