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Developing Maven 3.0 Plugin

I have developed few Maven plugins for Maven 2, but I am wondering what are the main changes when I want to develop a plugin (or migrate the existing ones) for Maven 3.0.

The documentation on the Maven site in not up-to-date (what a surprise!) and all related pages still deal with Maven 2.0, like this one:

This guide is intended to assist users in developing Java plugins for Maven 2.0.

As an example, in Maven 2 plugin, I defined a configuration parameter like this:

/**  * Some parameter.  *   * @parameter  * @required  */ private String foo; 

So now, using the new Maven Plugin API, I expect real Java annotations...

Question: Where can I find documentation / information about the development of Maven 3 plugins?

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Romain Linsolas Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 08:02

Romain Linsolas

2 Answers

There is now a work-in-progress implementation of annotations for Maven plugins developments! Read the following links:

  • https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Java+5+Annotations+for+Plugins
  • http://olamy.blogspot.fr/2012/05/java5-annotations-support-for-maven.html
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Romain Linsolas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Romain Linsolas

for the record you can have a look http://maven.apache.org/plugin-tools/maven-plugin-plugin/examples/using-annotations.html

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Olivier Lamy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Olivier Lamy