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Maven Profiles and Tomcat in Eclipse

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Jar file failed to load in tomcat webapps

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JaCoCo with Maven - missing execution data file

How to share a common build.gradle via a repository?

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Use dependencies from Eclipse p2 repository in a regular Maven build?

How to structure a multi-modules Maven project to compile it at once?

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Non-resolvable parent POM for Could not find artifact and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM

Creating a new phase

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Exclude Tests from Maven build

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Maven: create directory structure from pom.xml

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What is the difference between "Maven Install" and "Maven Build" with M2Eclipse?

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component lookup exception with org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem in Maven plugin testing

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What happened to Maven Polyglot?

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Different maven compiler versions for test and main

No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set the M2_HOME environment variable on your system

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Is there an issue with the oracle dependency?

maven maven-3

How exactly mvn -U works?

maven maven-3

Declare Maven dependency as test runtime only

Why does the Maven assembly plugin append the descriptor ref to the finalName value?

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Is there any free online maven repository?

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